This workshop focuses on 3 aspects of painting the portraiture. The first being form/drawing. The second being color relationships. The third being bringing form/drawing and color together cohesively to create a convincing portraiture.
While these are the stated goals and areas that we will cover in the demos and lectures over the course of 4 days, instruction is highly individualized to fit each student’s needs and experience. For questions, please feel free to reach out to me You can register the workshop HERE or reach out to Armory Art Center directly by calling 561-832-1776
Day 1, the instructor will cover topics regarding planes of the head, using surface structures/anatomy to gauge proportions, and calibrating value relationships to create the sense of 3-dimensional form.
Day 2, topics of color and color relationships will be introduced. The instructor will lecture and clarify concepts and terminology and demo practical color application.
Day 3 & 4, the workshop will culminate in a 2-day pose where students will have the opportunity to bring together skills learned in the beginning of the workshop and apply them to a long painting. For students who wish to continue targeting the individual area of form and/or color, they will be given the choice to do shorter studies instead of a 2-day painting.
The instructor will lecture and demonstrate concepts introduced daily. Students will then follow through with series of exercises designed to enhance their understanding of the topics covered. Each day, the lesson builds upon the previous day/s'. Instruction will include lectures, demos, critiques at the easel as well as a 3-hr evening demo (optional, to be determined by AAC schedule, time/day TBD).