It’s me in my garage studio. Through the concrete floor, I can feel the autumn coming. Just 2 weeks ago, when I started this self portrait, I had only the striped tank top on. This week, I had to put on two black shirts underneath to finish this self portrait.
This painting was done in 2 sessions right around the time when the “shelter in place” order came. For numerous reasons, this painting will serve as a reminder for me of the unpredictable nature of life.
A Volcanic Acorn Onion
I did a quick small painting today to take myself away from a larger painting that I have been working on.
Among many things, I miss painting people. But until then, I have onions.
"That Side Up"
It’s difficult to take good photos with the lighting in my studio currently.
I started with the painting at the bottom but ended up with the painting down below. Planning is so over rated.
A New Beginning
I’m starting a new blog. It will primarily be about paintings but will also include other subjects, events and activities of interest to me. If you wish to see only my artwork, please follow me on Instagram @jafanglu
Below is a painting I recently completed. I had planned to work on it for a couple more days but realized that nothing I could do to it would drastically change it, so I stopped. I also tried to upload a couple of progression shots but Squarespace is acting up. I hope to iron out the glitches as I become more familiar with their blogging tools.